ZA Bank x HKET - 開戶優惠活動條款及細則(「條款及細則」)

1.  ZA Bank x HKET – 開戶優惠活動(「活動」)由以下部分組成:

選項1 選項2
新訂閱 HKET HKD300 +3.0% 港元三個月定期存款加息券
(存款上限: HKD100,000)
續訂 HKET HKD250 +3.0% 港元三個月定期存款加息券
(存款上限: HKD85,000)

2.  合資格領取優惠的客戶(「合資格客戶」)需

  2.1  訂閱HKET;

  2.2  未於ZA Bank開設銀行戶口;

  2.3  未曾享有任何ZA Bank的開戶優惠

3.  活動推廣期為2020年6月1日起至2020年7月14日(包括首尾兩天)(「推廣期」)。

4.  於推廣期内,參加者在符合以下要求的情況下使用HKET的禮品換領信內的邀請碼可以獲得開戶現金獎賞 或定期存款加息券:

  4.1  參加者必須在推廣期內登記成為ZA Bank的新客戶;同時

  4.2  參加者必須在開戶時準確輸入換領信上的開戶邀請碼,否則不能獲取獎勵;同時

  4.3  活動邀請碼,同一客戶僅限使用一個,不可同時使用兩個;同時

  4.4  現有ZA Bank現有客戶不可享受本次優惠活動;同時

  4.5  參加者須成功通過了銀行的内部審查流程;

5.  合資格客戶將收到由HKET發出的開戶邀請碼(「邀請碼」)。

6.  合資格客戶需在ZA Bank App申請開戶時輸入邀請碼。成功開戶後方可得到此優惠。

7.  邀請碼於推廣期內有效,逾期將不獲補發。

8.  根據上述第4條,選取現金獎賞的合資格客戶成功於ZA Bank開戶並通過了銀行的内部審查流程後三個工作天內,現金優惠將直接發到賬戶中。

9.  根據上述第4條,選取加息券的合資格客戶使用條件︰

  9.1  加息券會直接發放到參加者的ZA Bank賬戶

  9.2  加息券是參加者在ZA Bank選擇定期存款時額外獲得的優惠利率,而該利率並不包括ZA Bank的基本存款年利率。

  9.3  此加息券的存款期為3個月。

  9.4  加息券的有效期將在成功開戶後十五天失效。加息券逾期並不補發。

  9.5  此加息券只能使用一次,不能兌換現金或其他產品,亦不能與其他加息券一同使用。

10.  除有其他規定外,所有獎勵將不可以以任何其他方式或形式發放。

11.  ZA Bank 保留對是次活動優惠的任何調整,收回或取消的權利,亦會不時對此條款與 細則作出修訂而毋須事先通知或原因。在推廣期間,合資格客戶、抽獎客戶及受邀人在申請 ZA Bank 開戶時需遵守這份條款與細則。

12.  若因本條款及細則或任何溝通過程中產生的任何歧義、疑問或爭議,ZA Bank擁有最終決策權而無需告知理由。

13.  本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律管轄,並按其進行解釋。當事人受到香港特別行政區法院管轄。

14.  此條款與細則需聯合 ZA Bank 的通用條款與細則一起閱讀,如兩者有任何歧異或不一 致,一概以通用條款與細則為準。

15.  除合資格客戶、受邀人和 ZA Bank(包括它的繼承人和代理人)外,其他人在這合約條款下,一概 不能享有或執行這條款賦予的利益。

Terms and conditions (“T&Cs”) of ZA Bank x HKET - Account Opening Offer

1.  The ZA Bank x HKET – Account Opening Offer Program (“Program”) consists of two offers:

Option 1 Option 2
New subscription HKD300 +3.0% HKD 3-month rate-up coupon
(Maximum deposit amount: HKD100,000)
Renew HKET subscription HKD250 +3.0% HKD 3-month rate-up coupon
(Maximum deposit amount: HKD85,000)

2.  To be eligible for the Offer, the participants must (“Eligible Customers”)

  2.1  subscribe to HKET; and

  2.2  have not opened any bank account with ZA Bank; and

  2.3  have not received any account opening offer from ZA Bank.

3.  The program period is from 1 Jun 2020 to 14 Jul 2020 (both days inclusive) (“promotion period”).

4.  During the promotion period, eligible customers who meet below requirements and use the invitation code for account opening via email sent by HKET will receive cash reward or rate-up coupon:

  4.1  Eligible customers shall open bank account with ZA Bank in promotion period; and

  4.2  Eligible customers shall submit an account opening application with the invitation code; and

  4.3  Only one Invitation code can be used by each customer; and

  4.4  Eligible customers who have not opened any bank account with ZA Bank; and

  4.5  Eligible customers shall pass internal review for account opening with ZA Bank.

5.  Eligible Customers will receive account opening invitation code (“Invitation Code”) for account opening via email sent by HKET.

6.  To enjoy the Offer, the Eligible Customers need to input the Invitation Code stated in the email during account opening process in ZA Bank App.

7.  The Invitation Code shall be valid within the promotion period. No Invitation Code will be re-issued after expiry.

8.  Within 3 working days of the successful opening a bank account and passing internal review for account opening with ZA Bank, cash reward under Clause 4 above will be credited to the account of Eligible Customer.

9.  Eligible customers who choose to receive rate-up coupon under Clause 4 above:

  9.1  Referee will receive a Rate-up Coupon in the ZA Bank account.

  9.2  The Rate-up Coupon applies a promotional interest rate to time deposits placed by the Referee in their ZA Bank account. The additional interest rate per annum is specified on the Rate-up Coupon and is applied on top of ZA Bank’s basic time deposit annual interest rate.

  9.3  The maturity period to be entitled for the Rate-up Coupon is 3-month.

  9.4  The Rate-up Coupon shall expire after 15 days from the date of the Successful Account Opening. No Rate-up Coupon will be reissued after expiry.

  9.5  The Rate-up Coupon can be used once only and cannot be transferred to others, converted to cash or other products or used with other vouchers.

10.  All rewards cannot be transferred, returned, exchanged or converted into other form, unless otherwise specified.

11.  ZA Bank reserves the right to adjust, withdraw or cancel the Offer or reward, and to amend or revise any of these T&Cs from time to time without prior notice and without assigning any reasons whatsoever. The Eligible Customers, Lucky Draw Participants and the Referees will be subject to these T&Cs in force at the time of applying to ZA Bank for account opening during the Promotion Period.

12.  In case of any ambiguity, doubts or disputes arising out of or under any of these terms and conditions or any communications, the decision of ZA Bank is final and conclusive in all circumstances without assigning any reasons whatsoever and no correspondence will be entered into.

13.  These T&Cs are governed in all respects by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

14.  These T&Cs should be read in conjunction with ZA Bank’s General Terms and Conditions. If there are any inconsistencies between the General Terms and Conditions and the terms herein, the General Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

15.  No other than the Eligible Customers, Lucky Draw Participants, Referees and ZA Bank (includes its successors and assigns) will have any right under the Contracts (Right of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provision of these T&Cs.

16.  In the event of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between the English and Chinese versions of these T&Cs, the English version shall prevail.